Oxfordshire comes together to get people moving

Oxfordshire comes together to get people moving

Posted: Wed, 6 Mar 2024 14:51 by Nicole Kalinowska

Oxfordshire comes together to get people moving

It's been an incredible first year for Oxfordshire on the Move, the countywide social movement for physical activity.

Since launching in February 2023, Oxfordshire on the Move now includes 120+ partners across 12 different sectors. What that means in practice is that Oxfordshire on the Move is bringing together county and district councils, the voluntary sector, Public Health, BOB Integrated Care Board, healthcare professionals, education, leisure, private providers, sports clubs and businesses to increase activity levels where it's needed most.

Oxfordshire on the Move is here for action and change

One key factor behind Oxfordshire on the Move is that it does more than hold conversations – it drives action and change. We worked together with multiple partners to co-create four ambitions, each of which have tangible actions to keep us moving forwards. Here's what we achieved together in 2023:


Here's what Oxfordshire on the Move partners are saying:

  • 89% said they were confident or very confident in what OOTM is trying to achieve.
  • 100% of responders confirmed they have made changes in how they support people to be active as a result of OOTM.
  • 79% are now working with other organisations to encourage people to become more active.
  • 30% of attendees from the latest event were new to OOTM.


Collaborative working and distributed leadership is critical

If we are going to tackle entrenched inequalities and increase activity levels, we cannot do this through individual programmes or siloed working. We need to keep pushing forwards through joined-up working with shared agendas and ambitions. The highly successful countywide programmes Move Together and YouMove, now collectively reaching in excess of 10,000 residents, show what's possible when we work together.

Through Oxfordshire on the Move, organisations are building new connections, sharing ideas and best practice and building on each other's strengths and successes. As we enter into Year Two, we are delighted to see new working groups starting up which are led by partner organisations and clearly show how leadership for Oxfordshire on the Move is becoming distributed across the county. These new working groups comprise Falls Prevention Awareness, led by Age UK Oxfordshire; increasing swimming provision, led by GLL and multiple partners and engaging volunteers in physical activity.

Get involved with Oxfordshire on the Move

We are welcoming new organisations to Oxfordshire on the Move all the time. So if you are an organisation, group or resident wanting to increase physical activitywhere it's needed most, we'd love to hear from you.

Here's how you can get involved:

Tags: Active Communities, OOTM, Oxford, Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire on the Move, Physical Activity