Oxfordshire on the Move: a round up of our incredible first year of collective impact

Oxfordshire on the Move: a round up of our incredible first year of collective impact

Posted: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 09:29 by Helen Mariner

Oxfordshire on the Move: a round up of our incredible first year of collective impact

Oxfordshire on the Move launched in March 2023 and it's been an incredible first year! Thank you to everyone who has given their time, ideas, energy and support to this growing movement - together we are making a huge difference to our county's health and wellbeing.

Here's what we achieved in 2023:

Together, we've supported 470 children from priority neighbourhoods to learn to swim and 3,800 school aged children now have access to discounted swimming lessons. OOTM partners have set up new bike libraries, launched a falls prevention campaign and working group, trained healthcare professionals to talk confidently about physical activity and we've started Active Neighbourhood Scans in priority areas.

You can see a short film of our collective impact in 2023 here

We also asked partners for their feedback at the latest event on 1st November.

  • 89% said they were confident or very confident in what OOTM is trying to achieve
  • 100% of responders confirmed they have made changes in how they support people to be active as a result of OOTM
  • 79% are now working with other organisations to encourage people to become more active.
  • 30% of attendees from the latest event were new to OOTM

What are partners telling us about their experience of OOTM in 2023?

"OOTM has enabled more connections with partners and more collaboration. I have joined a falls prevention campaign working group which are meeting face-to-face later this month."

"It was fun, thought-provoking and interactive. Great to meet people from a variety of different organisations and consider how we could work together to meet ambitions."

"Informative, positive and useful in making me look at barriers to people accessing movement differently. A good opportunity to network."

"We are now considering how we can work with planning and infrastructure. There is a real shift in terms of the breadth or teams we consider to have a role in supporting physical activity."

What's coming up in 2024?

Thank you again for all your support in 2023 and here's to an amazing 2024!

Tags: People Communities