Oxfordshire on the Move: July ambition workshops
Posted: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 11:59 by Helen Mariner
Since launching in February 2023, we're already seeing early signs of progress as Oxfordshire on the Move partners from across the county take actions to increase physical activity for the people and places who need it most.
Some of these early signs include:
- More public schools opening up their pools and facilities to help children in greatest need to learn to swim and become more active
- New bike libraries set up, and plans for a county-wide accessible bike library policy
- Organisations delivering our physical activity training in house, including working with the homelessness alliance
- Movement Friendly Environment Scans planned for our ten priority neighbourhoods
And so much more.
In July, we're planning four online ambition workshops to reflect on progress so far, discuss opportunities and challenges and agree to take small actions that collectively will make a big difference. We're already seeing the difference that we can make when we work together, so please do join us in July and join us in taking actions to vastly improve Oxfordshire's health and wellbeing through physical activity.